Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Exercise #10: Life and Milk


He lived in a house full of estrogen.
Surrounded by Mom, my sister and me
Dad had to create a way to cope.
He had his own little hiding place
for whenever we fought or talked
about something he didn't want to hear.

We came home every day to his teachings
on worm holes and String Theory and
on understanding imaginary numbers.
We rolled our eyes and made fun of his
contraptions and tendency towards tech.
But he kept teaching us.

On Christmas Mom opened her present
from my sister and me that we had bought
with our allowance money.
She held the necklace up to the light
and commented on how nice it would look
with her blue blazer on Sunday.

Dad looked at the present we gave him.
The box was very small and he already
knew exactly what was inside of it.
He opened the lid and said "Oooh,"
faking his excitement for the grocery store
candy that filled up the inside.

Dad taught me to ride a bicycle,
he showed us how to look at the stars
and record ourselves on the tape recorder.
He put our Band-Aids on and kissed our knees
and somewhere in the top of his closet
That box of cheap candy sits, untouched.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Exercise #9: Villanelle

In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.
The truth creeps in when I'm trying to hide;
God does prevail and love will always win.

There are so many distractions I forget to listen
To the Voice that calls out and beckons me to abide.
In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.

I can't see more than a foot ahead and the light is dim.
The door is closed and I wonder if I will ever get inside.
The race is starting, if I don't make it how can I win?

The light peeks in through the cracks like a fruit through the skin.
Shapes take form like a map made out of the light.
In darkest shadows I find where light begins.

The map paints a picture of a future beyond my whims.
It's the beauty, the Artist that moves me to cry.
There's such a big picture and every intention to win.

The battle is over my feet move again.
There is no more sorrow, no fear left or pride.
In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.
God does prevail and love will always win.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Excercise 8: Ghosts, Monsters, Bullies

Write a poem about one of your childhood fears.

I stared down at the white napkin and see
two round cookies waiting to be eaten.
They were the good kind, too,
with rainbow chips and chocolate;
Not too crunchy, not too soft.

Mom goes back to unpacking her bags,
the ocean roaring outside.
From inside it sounded more like a whisper,
sending chills down my spine
as I a wait out this feeling I just can't shake.

I look at my sister who has already eaten one.
The crumbles pitter patter on the floor
as she picks up the other one to devour.
I pick up mine and inspect it slowly,
sniffing the surface for some kind of sign.

I take my napkin and brush off the tops
of the cookies as hard as I can.
Hopefully if there was any poison left
It would not be enough to do any harm.
I throw the napkin away.

I look long and hard at Mom,
searching for signs of foul play or some signal
from the universe that I could proceed.
The ritual cleaning has helped and now my
desire for sweets trumps my fear and I take a bite.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Excercise 7: Mother, Father

"Let's start from the beginning..."
Here comes the intent stare
the rolling up of the sleeves
in preparation.

"First we need to look back at the beginning of the chapter."
A heavy sigh is drawn from my chest;
He begins drawing a diagram full of numbers and symbols
I flip back in the text.

"What is interesting about this theory is..."
His voice squeaks and stutters
I am staring deeply at the cracks in the ceiling
and pet the cat.

"Just wait a minute, look at this diagram first!"
His face tenses like my fists;
I stomp my foot on the ground
and lose my patience.

"Dad, I just needed help with this one problem, not the whole chapter!"

Monday, January 13, 2014

Excercise 6: No First or Last

If indeed there is no First or Last
then why do we spend our lives
working and fighting and struggling for equality?

Is it an illusion or is it real?
Why do little children already complain
about being in the back of the line?

Why have their been wars fought and
Actions filed and seeds sown and tears cried
if it is all in vain?

Maybe the answer is in the idea;
A vision of no First and Last.
Maybe this equality is something paint with our minds.

Fake it until we make it.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Excericse #5: A Recipe Poem

Recipe For Keeping a Cat


Shelter with one or more rooms
Cat food
Bowls for food and water
Litter box
Windows with blinds and large sills
At least one extra soft blanket or throw
Cardboard box


Invite the cat into your shelter. Provide her with the two bowls one filled with water and the other filled with food. Change the water daily. Every time the end of the bowl is visible, refill the bowl with food. Scoop out the litter box daily. The cat will wait until you have freshly scooped it to use it again, so be sure to follow her schedule on this. Lay the soft blanket on the bed for the cat to sleep on. Keep the cats' nails sharp and long so that she can enjoy scratching the couch until the wooden interior is exposed. When eating breakfast, be sure to pick up the newspaper and read it so that the cat can come and lay down on it on the table while you are trying to read. Be sure to give the cat  your leftover milk in the cereal bowl while she is laying on the newspaper. Keep window blinds open during the day so that the cat can sit on the sill and look outside. It is preferable at times to closet he blinds, however, so that the cat can stick her head in and eventually birth her way through the blinds to get to the window. Rotate the blinds up and down so she can have both experiences. Finally, leave your flip-flops out overnight so that the cat can enjoy gnawing on them. You will pleasantly wake up to see the teeth marks she has left for you. If you read them left to right they will reveal a special message she has created expressing her true love for you.

If you follow these directions and pet and love your cat daily, you will be a successful pet owner.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Exercise 4: A Curtal Sonnet

How long we wait for sunny skies--
For late breakfasts and sleepy days;
For crisp autumn leaves or blossomed buds;
When the fledgling bird from its nest first flies;
We wander off the path to find more adventurous ways. 

How sudden it is we become aware--
A deep red cardinal rests upon a limb;
Two girls make angels in the snow;
A star peeks out from its cloudy lair; 
No longer will winter seem so dim,
                                              So bare. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Excercise 3: Poetry Speakers

Library Day (Speaker One)

The air was cool and crisp when the door opened.
One by one, eleven little packages
made their way down the sidewalk,
wrapped in hefty fleece and soft down,
decorated in hats and bows.

Our light turned green and all other traffic stopped.
"Don't let go of the rope!" we called out
as they made their way across the road.
The little bundles held on tight,
looking around at the big world ahead of them.

It seemed quieter in the cold,
the bustling noises of the city whispering,
making way for the children in their path.
Glancing at the traffic I saw
All of the drivers smile and point as we passed.

Library Day (Speaker Two)

Today is library day and we will walk down the hall
and hold on to the big red rope.
Teacher says to hold on tight and not let go.

The big doors open and I see everything!
Big school buses are outside waiting for people to get on
and cars are coming from both sides down the street.

Teacher says stop and we wait wait wait.
Something is keeping us from going
I wish I knew why we had to wait so long.

Now we are moving and I see so many things!
There's a big rock on the ground and some chewing gum;
I see a man with a cigarette and a girl with a phone.

The big stairs go up, up up
and we will go inside and sit down with our friends.
"It's Story Time!" They will say and we will sing the song.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Excercise Two: Walking on the Moon

It seems so cold where you are,
far in the distance,
hiding from the sun.

My feet would walk on your plane;
floating and jumping
noting your scars and skinned knees.

But from the top of your mountain
I hold my breath--
blue and green shores,

Home is in view.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Excercise One: The Mind's Palm Tree

Somewhere between where I stand and where my mind rests 
the Beyond stretches out its limitless arms. 
It's too far above me to see and too far out of reach
But I can imagine what it might be like. 

It's easy to create an image of a golden gate
or a choir of white robes celebrating in song.
It's fun to imagine skipping from cloud to cloud
in a Mary Poppins fantasy; horse racing with
carousel ponies and tap dancing with penguins. 

I don't think that this is truly what I will find 
When I close my eyes and venture on. 
In fact sometimes I am afraid of the very idea of it, 
The darkness of the unknown, the vastness of space, 
The very concept of a limitless mass of space in time. 

And then it happens. 

A warm hand on my arm, an arm around my waist,
The muffin you left for me on my desk. 
It's in the man who opened the elevator for me
And that warmth that came when I found I wasn't really alone. 
I suddenly realize that I see a glimpse of Heaven every single day.