Monday, January 20, 2014

Exercise #9: Villanelle

In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.
The truth creeps in when I'm trying to hide;
God does prevail and love will always win.

There are so many distractions I forget to listen
To the Voice that calls out and beckons me to abide.
In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.

I can't see more than a foot ahead and the light is dim.
The door is closed and I wonder if I will ever get inside.
The race is starting, if I don't make it how can I win?

The light peeks in through the cracks like a fruit through the skin.
Shapes take form like a map made out of the light.
In darkest shadows I find where light begins.

The map paints a picture of a future beyond my whims.
It's the beauty, the Artist that moves me to cry.
There's such a big picture and every intention to win.

The battle is over my feet move again.
There is no more sorrow, no fear left or pride.
In the darkest shadows I find where light begins.
God does prevail and love will always win.

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